322. Mistakes in Shemoneh Esrei

Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 10:2

If the shaliach tzibbur makes a mistake while davening the silent Shemoneh Esrei, he does not daven again silently because this would be an imposition on the congregation. Rather, he relies on the repetition of Shemoneh Esrei that he will recite out loud. This applies when he does not make a mistake in the first three brachos. If he does make a mistake there, he must go back and repeat Shemoneh Esrei, just like anyone else would.


Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 10:3

Let’s say that, while repeating Shemoneh Esrei, the shaliach tzibbur gets confused and doesn’t know where he should begin again. If he takes a long time, someone else should replace him. If he makes a mistake in the bracha against heretics, someone else should replace him right away. This applies when he did not already re-start the bracha; if he did re-start it, we wait for him. One who is called upon to take over the davening in such a situation should not decline.