327. Mistakes in the Aseres Y'mei Teshuvah
Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 10:12
Whenever a person is required to repeat Shemoneh Esrei, the shaliach tzibbur would also be required to repeat the public Shemoneh Esrei if he made a similar error, except for shacharis on Rosh Chodesh. Then, if the shaliach tzibbur omits yaaleh v'yavo, he is not required to repeat Shemoneh Esrei because it would be an imposition on the congregation. Musaf will soon be recited and Rosh Chodesh will be mentioned then.
Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 10:13
If one made a mistake during the ten days from Rosh Hashana through Yom Kippur and concluded the third bracha “Ha(k)Eil haKadosh” as per usual (instead of “HaMelech haKadosh”), he goes back to the beginning of Shemoneh Esrei. If he concluded the eleventh blessing “Melech oheiv tzedaka u’mishpat” (instead of “haMelech hamishpat”), he should go back to the start of that bracha, recite it with “haMelech hamishpat,” and continue davening from there. If he did not remember until after he finished davening, he must start again from the beginning. These rules apply both to an individual and to the shaliach tzibbur.