331. Seating in Shul
Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 11:4
The seating arrangement in shul is as follows: The elders sit facing the congregation with their backs toward the aron. The congregation sits in rows, each row facing the back of the one in front of it. Therefore, the congregation faces the aron and the elders. When the shaliach tzibbur davens, he stands on the ground in front of the teiva, facing the aron like everyone else.
Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 11:5
Shuls and study halls should be treated respectfully. They should be swept and mopped. The practice among Jews in Spain, the west, Babylonia and Israel is to light lamps in shul and spread mats on the floor to sit on. In Roman cities, they sit on chairs.