334. The Sanctity of a Shul
Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 11:10
One who enters a shul to daven or to study Torah may leave by the opposite door in order to shorten his trip. One may enter a shul with his staff, his shoes, his money-belt, and with dust on his feet. (One could not do these things in the Temple.) If necessary, one may spit in a shul.
Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 11:11
Shuls and study halls that have been destroyed retain their sanctity as per Leviticus 26:31, “I will destroy your sanctuaries.” Even though they have been destroyed, they are still sanctuaries. Therefore, just as one must treat them respectfully while they are standing, they must likewise be treated respectfully when they have been destroyed. The exception is that once they have been destroyed, they no longer need to be swept or mopped. If grass grows in a destroyed shul or study hall, it should be pulled out and left there. Hopefully, people will see this and it will motivate them to rebuild these places.