388. Coffee And Cake

54:4 If one intended to eat both the primary and the secondary items – for example, if he wanted to drink an alcoholic beverage and also eat some pastries – then he must recite a bracha on both items. First one would say the bracha on a pastry, as that is the more prestigious item, and afterwards he would say the bracha on the alcohol. Similarly, if one eats cake and drinks coffee, he would say two brachos – first on the cake and then on the coffee - because his intention is to eat both.

54:5 If two types of food are cooked together but each remains separate, a person would say the appriopriate bracha on each one. If, however, they were crushed and stuck together, then we would only recite the bracha on the item that is in the majority, which we would consider the main item; the secondary item would be covered by its bracha. (Mishnah Brurah 212:1 says that we follow the majority even when the items remain distinct.) If one of the two foods is one of the five grains (wheat, barley, rye, oats, spelt), it is considered the main item even if it is in the minority.