329. Checking Fruit

46:35 Any fruit that normally gets insects while it's still connected to the tree is permitted twelve months after picking because any bugs that might have been in it will have disintegrated sufficiently by then not to pose an issue. However, it still might get bugs after picking, so it should still be checked and any insects removed, first from the fruit’s exterior. Then, putting the fruit in cold water and stirring vigorously will cause the insects to rise to the surface. If one then boils the fruit, any remaining insects will die and not separate from the fruit. This should only be done for things like beans and lentils, and even then only after a year.

46:36 Any fruit that requires checking must be opened individually and the seeds removed, so that it can be checked thoroughly. Great care must be taken when preserving fruit or making jam. It is not sufficient to spot-check the fruit, even if one checks a majority; every piece must be checked.