317. Eating Meat After Dairy

46:11 If one ate cheese or other dairy products, he can eat meat immediately afterward as part of a different meal. (He need not bentch in between. – Mishnah Brurah 494:16.) He must first check or wash his hands to make sure that they are they are free of any dairy. He must also clean his teeth and rinse out his mouth. If one ate hard cheese (aged six months), one must wait six hours before having meat. 46:12 If someone who ate dairy wants to eat meat, he must remove from the table all the bread that was eaten together with the dairy. One may not eat cheese on the same tablecloth that was used for a meat meal; the reverse is also true. It is likewise forbidden to cut bread for a dairy meal using a meat knife. Once again, the opposite is also true. One may not use the opposite type of knife even if it is clean. In pressing circumstances, such as when one is on the road, one may use a meat knife to cut bread for a dairy meal so long as it is clean and well washed. Again, this is equally true for using a dairy knife to cut bread for a meat meal.