261. Washing for Bread

40:1 One who wants to eat bread over which the blessing of HaMotzi is recited must first wash his hands. (He must wash both hands even if he plans to eat using only one – Mishnah Brurah 158:4.) If the bread is greater than the size of an egg (about 2.5 fl. oz.), he should recite a blessing on washing his hands. The bracha on washing is not recited for less than this. 40:2 Washing the hands for bread must be done from a cup or other suitable vessel. This vessel must be whole, without any holes or cracks penetrating it. The rim should be level without any dents or protuberances. Pitchers have spouts that protrude higher than their rims; these spouts may not be used for ritual washing. They are not be considered part of the vessel since they cannot hold liquid. Therefore, one must pour water over a pitcher's rim, i.e., from a place that does hold liquid.