257. Beer

38:11 If fruits that have not fully ripened on the tree and that are not eaten raw except in pressing circumstances have been preserved by a non-Jew, they are prohibited because of bishul akum (preserving being tantamount to cooking). 38:12 A beverage made from produce (such as beer) if sold by a non-Jew is permitted. Bishul akum is not problematic because the produce in the beverage is overwhelmed by the water. One does need to ensure, however, that wine was not used as a preservative. In a place where Jews play fast and loose with the laws of non-Jewish wine, it behooves a person to be stringent on himself even when it comes to beer. Regarding coffee or tea made by a non-Jew, one opinion recommends not drinking it in their homes; another opinion permits it occasionally but not to make a regular habit of it. (The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch mentions incidentally that we are obviously talking about black coffee because milk would certainly be prohibited. The laws of milk begin in the next halacha.)