250. The Immersion Process

37:10 We must ensure, before immersing a utensil, that it is clean and is not coated with dirt or rust. A common discoloration that would not bother most people is not considered an impediment. The utensil must be immersed so that all of it is under the water at one time. If a utensil has a handle, it must be immersed at the same time as the rest of the utensil. The one doing the immersing and handling the utensils should first dip his hand in the water. He should also not hold the utensils too tightly. He can immerse the utensils by tying a rope and lowering them into the water provided that the rope is loose enough to enable the water to each every part of the utensil.

37:11 When immersing vessels with narrow openings, one must be sure to immerse them until they fill with water. This is because the entire vessel must be covered with water, both inside and out.