245. Immersing Utensils

36:28 The practice with poultry is that after the feathers have been plucked, the birds are singed to remove any stray feathers remaining. One must be careful to use only a low flame so as not to scorch the bird. It should likewise be moved back and forth over the fire so that it does not heat up. 37:1 When a Jew purchases metal or glass utensils used for food from a non-Jew, even if they are new, they must be immersed in a mikvah or a spring of water before they can be used. The dishes may not even be used for cold food prior to immersion. Before immersing a single utensil, one recites the blessing “al tevilas kli,” that God commanded us to immerse a utensil. On two or more utensils, one recites “al tevilas keilim.”