Siman - Pesachim Daf 43

  • תערובת חמץ וחמץ נוקשה בלאו

The Gemara seeks to identify the Tanna of the Mishnah on Daf 42a who holds that, חמץ דגן גמור על ידי תערובות – that full-fledged grain in a mixture, ונוקשה בעיניה – and defective chametz whose fermentation is not complete that is distinct, בלאו – are both prohibited by a lav? Rav Yehuda said in the name of Rav that it is Rebbe Meir who holds that somebody who eats שיאור, which he defines as dough who surface has become white but has not yet developed any cracks and is chametz nuksheh is chayav malkus. If Rebbe Meir holds that one who eats chametz nuksheh is chayav malkus then all the more so he holds that one who eats mixtures with real chametz is chayav malkus. We see from here that Rav Yehuda holds that a mixture with chametz is more severe than chametz nuksheh.

Rav Nachman said the Tanna is Rebbe Eliezer for it was taught in a Baraisa that Rebbe Eliezer said, על חמץ דגן גמור ענוש כרת – For eating full-fledged grain-chametz one is punishable with kares, על עירובו בלאו – for eating what it has mixed in with one is subject to the penalty for a lav, but not kares. If Rebbe Eliezer holds that one has transgressed a lav for eating a mixture with chametz dagan gamur, then all the more so one would be transgressing for eating chametz nuksheh. We see from here that Rav Nachman holds chametz nuksheh is more severe than a mixture with chametz.

  • The source that women are prohibited from eating chametz

The Gemara says Rebbe Eliezer learned that women are included in the chametz prohibition and penalty from the word כל in the passuk, כי כל אכל מחמצת ונכרתה – For any who eats something that has been leavened, then soul shall be cut off. The Gemara suggests the inclusion of women in the prohibition should be learned from what Rav Yehudah said in the name of Rav from the passuk, איש או אשה כי יעשו מכל חטאת האדם – When a man or woman shall commit any of the sins of man.. השוה הכתוב איש לאשה לכל עונשין שבתורה – The Torah has equated a man to a woman for all the punishments and relevant prohibitions in the Torah?

The Gemara answers that since the Torah juxtaposes the prohibition to eat chametz with the mitzvah to eat matzah, one might have thought that only those who are required to eat matzah are prohibited from eating chametz, and since women are patur from eating matzah since it is מצות עשה שהזמן גרמא – a time bound positive mitzvah, they would not be subject to the prohibition of chametz. That is why the word  כלis needed. The Gemara then brings a Baraisa where Rebbe Elazar teaches that now that women are included in the prohibition of chametz, they have been included in the mitzvah of matzah.

  • The prohibition of burning leaven on the mizbeyach

The Gemara challenges why Rebbe Eliezer does not expound two halachos from the words כי כל, the second being that a mixture of chametz is chayav in kares by bringing a Baraisa attributed to him that he does elsewhere. The Baraisa states,לא תקטירו ממנו אשה לה' שאר – Do not burn leaven as a fire offering to Hashem. From these words we would only know it is forbidden if all of it is leaven. From where do we know that it is forbidden if even a portion of it is leaven, which Rashi explains means less than a kezayis? The Torah teaches, כל to include even a portion less than a kezayis. From where do we know that it is prohibited if the leaven is in a mixture and is indistinguishable that it is forbidden? The Torah states, כי כל. From here we see that Rebbe Eliezer does expound two halachos from this expression. The Gemara leaves it as a kasha.