Siman - Pesachim Daf 48

  • הואיל – Since uninvited guests might arrive

On Daf 46b, the machlokes between Rabbah and Rav Chisda whether one who bakes on Yom Tov for chol is chayav malkus, was based on הואיל. Rabbah holds that he is not chayav since visitors might arrive that he can serve the food to on Yom Tov, whereas Rav Chisda holds that he is chayav since he does not hold of הואיל. On this Daf, Rami bar Chama said that this machlokes is the same as the one between Rebbe Eliezer and Rebbe Yehoshua in the Mishnah regarding separating challah from tamei dough on Pesach. Rebbe Eliezer holds like Rabbah, that we apply הואיל, and he may therefore bake the loaves since he could separate challah from each loaf separately. Rebbe Yehoshua holds like Rav Chisda, that we do not apply הואיל, and therefore he forbids the baking of all the loaves on Yom Tov.

Rav Pappa said that perhaps Rebbe Eliezer applies הואיל only in the Mishnah’s case, because at the time that the loaves are put into the oven each and every one is fit for the baker himself. Rashi explains that Rebbe Eliezer may not hold of הואיל but is permitting it because at the time of baking we do not know which loaf will become challah. He may, however, forbid it in the case of baking on Yom Tov for weekday use, since it is not fit for himself since he finished his Yom Tov meals, and he does not apply הואיל since he has not invited guests and has no reason to anticipate their arrival. The Gemara continues showing that Rebbe Yehoshua does not necessarily agree with Rav Chisda.

  • הסל מצרפן לחלה

Rav Yosef said that women in his area would customarily bake no more than a kepiza, which is three quarters of a kav, at one time. Even though Rav permitted baking as much as 1¼ kabim, they were strict on themselves to reduce the risk of chimutz. Abaye said that this chumrah results in a kulah in that they will be patur from separating challah, and Rav Yosef responded that these women act according the shita of Rebbe Eliezer who says, הרודה ונותן לסל הסל מצרפן לחלה – When one removes baked loaves from an oven and puts them in a basket, the basket combines them in regard to challah.

The Gemara brings a related Baraisa that states that in addition to Rebbe Eliezer’s opinion, Rebbe Yehoshua says, תנור מצרפן – the oven combines them even if they are not then put in a basket, and Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says ככרות של בבל שנושכות וז מזו מצרפות  - Babylonian loaves, which “bite” one another, which means that they stick to each other so when pulled apart a piece of one remains to the other, combine.

  • שיאור וסידוק

The second Mishnah on the Daf states, שיאור ישרף והאוכלו פטור – Si’ur, which Rashi says is incompletely leavened dough, must be burned, but one who eats it is patur from kares or malkus. סידוק ישרף והאוכלו חייב כרת – Siduk, which is dough that is past the si’ur change and has cracks in it as a result of chimutz, must be burned and one who eats is chayav kares.

Rebbe Yehudah says si’ur is dough that has developed cracks likeקרני חגבים - the antennae of locusts, and siduk is where the cracks interlace with one another. The Chochomim hold that any dough with cracks is siduk and si’ur is, כל שהכסיפו כאדם שעמדו שערותיו – Any dough whose surface has turned pale like the face of a person whose hair stands on end because of fright.