Siman - Pesachim Daf 55

  • Can anyone act like a talmid chochom and not work on Tisha b’Av?

The Mishnah on Daf 54b stated that whether one is permitted to do work on Tisha b’av is dependent on the minhag hamakom, ובכל מקום תלמידי חכמים בטלים – And in all places, even where the minhag was to work, talmidei chochomim should sit idle. Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says, לעולם יעשה אדם עצמו תלמיד חכם – In such matters any person can accustom himself like a talmid chochom. The Gemara infers that Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel is not concerned about the person appearing haughty, while the Rabbanon are concerned. This stands in contrast to a Mishnah in Berachos 17b, where the Rabbanon said that a chosson may recite Shema the first night of his wedding, and Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says he should not, as it appears haughty as if he is talmid chochom that cannot forego one night without accepting the עול מלכות שמים.

Rebbe Yochanan said that the opinions should be reversed. Rav Shisha bar Idi said that they should not, and answered the contradiction that the Rabbanon hold that since everyone else is working on Tisha b’av it appears haughty not to, whereas since everybody else is saying Shema the chosson does not stand out. Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel holds that the chosson appears haughty because we know he cannot have the proper kavanah on his wedding night, whereas people will attribute a person not working on Tisha B’av as someone merely sitting idle due to lack of work.

  • Is melachah prohibited the night of the fourteenth in the Galil?

The next Mishnah states, וחכמים אומרים ביהודה היו עושין מלאכה בערבי פסחים עד חצות ובגליל לא היו עושין כל עיקר – In Yehudah they would perform work on Erev Pesach until midday, while in the Galil they would not perform work at all. In terms of the night of the fourteenth, Beis Shammai forbids it, while Beis Hillel permits it until neitz hachamah. The machlokes regarding working on the night of the fourteenth is regarding places like the Galil where they do not work on the day of the fourteenth. Beis Shammai forbids working at night, for on Yom Tov the prohibition of doing melachah begins at night. Beis Hillel permits working at night, for he likens the fourteenth to a fast day where the eating is forbidden only from the start of day .

  • Which craftsmen can initiate work on the day of the fourteenth before chatzos?

The next Mishnah states, כל מלאכה שהתחיל בה קודם לארבעה עשר גומרה בארבעה עשר – Any labor that one began before the fourteenth, one may finish on the fourteenth, however one must not begin a labor on the fourteenth even if he can finish it before midday. The Chochomim say three types of craftsmen are permitted to work until chatzos, tailors, barbers and launderers. Rebbe Yose bar Yehudah says, אף רצענין – also shoemakers.

It was taught in a Baraisa, tailors are permitted to commence work on the fourteenth, since we see a leniency that during chol hamoed an unskilled person is allowed to sew in the usual manner. Barbers and launderers are permitted, since we see a leniency that they can cut hair and launder clothes on chol hamoed, for a person who returns from overseas or was released from prison. Rebbe Yose bar Yehudah says that shoemakers can manufacture shoes, since shoes can be repaired for the olay regalim on chol hamoed. The Gemara clarifies that Rebbe Yose holds, למידין תחילת מלאכה מסוף מלאכה – we may derive the commencement of a melachah, in this case the manufacturing of shoes, from the completion of the melachah, referring to the repairs. The leniency of repair can be extended to include all facets of shoe repair on the fourteenth. The Chochomim do not extend the leniency of repairing to manufacturing.