Siman - Pesachim Daf 59

  • Pesach comes after the tamid but before the menorah

It was taught in a Baraisa, תמיד קודם לפסח פסח קודם לקטרת קטרת קודמת לנרות – The Tamid precedes the Pesach, which precedes the afternoon ketores, which precedes the lighting of the menorah. יואחר דבר שנאמר בו "בערב" ו"בין הערבים" לדבר שלא נאמר בו בערב אלא "בין הערבים בלבד - Let the thing, referring to the pesach, about which it is stated “in the evening” and “in the afternoon” be delayed until after the thing, referring to the tamid, about which it is not stated, “in the evening” but only “in the afternoon”.

The Gemara asks that based on this, the ketores and menorah should precede the pesach since they only have the expression of "in the afternoon," and answers based on a Baraisa that the menorah is different, as we learn from the passuk regarding setting up the menorah, יערך אתו אהרן ובניו מערב עד בקר - Aharon and his sons shall arrange “it” from evening until morning, that there should be enough oil so that it should burn continuously from evening until morning, and secondly, אין לך עבודה שכשירה עד בוקר אלא זו בלבד – there is no other service which is valid from evening until morning other than this. Hence the pesach cannot be offered after the menorah is lit, and since the Torah states that we are to burn the ketores when the menorah is lit, the pesach precedes the ketores as well. The Gemara brings another Baraisa that states that the menorah and ketores precede the pesach.

  • A מחוסר כפורים who forgot to bring before the tamid

It was taught in a Baraisa that the Tanna Kamma holds that a מחוסר כפורים who forgot to bring his korbanos erev Pesach, may tovel a second time and bring them after the afternoon tamid so that he may eat the pesach at night. Even though he immersed himself on the seventh day, mid’Rabbonon he must be tovel a second time after bringing his korbanos in order to eat kodshim. Rebbe Yishmael beno shel Rebbe Yochanan ben Berokah says that a מחוסר כפורים may even do so the rest of the year to eat his kodshim at night. Rashi explains that he can do so because there is a mitzvah for one to partake of his korban. The Gemara asks how the mitzvah to eat one’s korban, where there is no liability of kares if he does not, can override the mitzvah of completing all the korbanos before the afternoon tamid? Ravina said in the name of Rav Chisda that we are dealing with a case of a חטאת העוף שאין למזבח אלא דמה – a bird chatas of an impoverished metzora, the mizbayach only gets its blood, and none of its body is burned there. Therefore, there is no prohibition to offer it after the tamid. Rav Pappa gives a different answer.

  •  Zerikah permits korban to be burned on mizbeyach after tamid brought

Rav Kahana posed a contradiction. It is written, ולא ילין חלב חגי עד בקר – and the fat of My festival offering shall not remain overnight until morning. This implies that it is only until morning that the offering may not remain unburned, but it can remain unburned the entire night. Yet it is written regarding the morning tamid, והקטיר עליה חלבי השלמים – he shall burn on it the fats of the shelamim, from which we derive, עליה השלם כל קרבנות כולן – On it you should complete all of the korbanos, but not on the afternoon tamid? Rashi explains that this implies that no other sacrifice may be burned after the afternoon tamid. Rav Kahana resolved his own contradiction, כשנתותרו – the first passuk refers to where the fats were left over from a korban whose blood was thrown on the mizbayach before that of the tamid. The zerikah makes it as if it was offered before the tamid, which permits the korban to be burned afterward.