Siman - Pesachim Daf 114

  • ב''ה אומרים מברך על היין ואחר כך מברך על היום

The next Mishnah discusses the order of the Pesach seder with a machlokes about how Kiddush is said: מזגו לו כוס ראשון – They mixed (and poured) the first cup (of wine) for him,ב''ש אומרים מברך על היום ואחר כך מברך על היין Beis Shammai say: He says the berachah on the day (Kiddush) and then he says the berachah on the wine (borei p’ri hagafen). וב''ה אומרים מברך על היין ואחר כך מברך על היום – And Beis Hillel say: He says the berachah on the wine and then he says the berachah on the day.

A Baraisa explains that Beis Shammai and Beis Hillel each have two reasons for their position. Beis Shammai say Kiddush comes first מפני שהיום גורם ליין שיבא וכבר קידש היום ועדיין יין לא בא – because the day causes the wine to come (Rashbam explains that it is only because it is Yom Tov that wine is being drunk before the meal), and the day was already sanctified before the wine came to the table. And Beis Hillel say that borei p’ri hagafen comes first מפני שהיין גורם לקידוש שתאמר – because the wine causes Kiddush to be said (Rashbam explains that one cannot say Kiddush without either wine or bread),דבר אחר ברכת היין תדירה וברכת היום אינה תדירה תדיר ושאינו תדיר תדיר קודם – Alternatively, the berachah over wine is frequent and the berachah over the day is not frequent and [the rule is that in a case of] a frequent thing and an infrequent thing, the frequent thing comes first.

  • Dipping Lettuce Twice

The next Mishnah continues to teach the order of the seder. First it states: מטבל בחזרת – he dips the lettuce to perform the ritual of “karpas.” [Rashbam explains that the Mishnah describes eating as “dipping” because, in those times, they would dip whenever they ate, and the Mishnah teaches that lettuce may be used as karpas even though it will also be used as maror.] Then, following karpas:הביאו לפניו מצה וחזרת וחרוסת ושני תבשילין – They brought before him matzah, lettuce (for maror), charoses, and two cooked items.

The Gemara discusses why the Mishnah requires lettuce to be brought for maror even if lettuce was already eaten for karpas, and why we do not say that the mitzvah of maror was already fulfilled then. Reish Lakish says: זאת אומרת מצות צריכות כוונה – This teaches that mitzvos need kavanah, meaning, it is because the lettuce eaten as karpas was not eaten with intent to fulfill the mitzvah of maror that the mitzvah was not fulfilled and lettuce must be eaten again specifically as maror.

The Gemara dismisses this proof by suggesting a different explanation for lettuce being eaten a second time, after the mitzvah of maror was fulfilled during “karpas”: כי היכי דליהוי היכירא לתינוקות – So that there will be a distinguishing factor for the children. Rashbam explains that eating lettuce a second time will provoke children to ask questions, as it is unusual to eat vegetables twice during a meal.

  • שני תבשילין

The Gemara elaborates on the Mishnah’s statement that שני תבשילין are brought: מאי שני תבשילין – What constitutes two cooked items? Among the opinions the Gemara cites is that of Rav Yosef, who says: צריך שני מיני בשר אחד זכר לפסח וא' זכר לחגיגה – One must have two types of meat; one as a commemoration of the Korban Pesach and one as a commemoration of the Korban Chagigah. Rashbam explains that this is the Chagigah that was brought together with the Korban Pesach. [The other views accept that the שני תבשילין commemorate these two korbanos but argue that foods other than meat also achieve this.]