Siman - Yoma Daf 44

  • The prohibition against someone being in the Heichal during the offering of the ketores

The Gemara brought a Baraisa that introduced the prohibition against someone occupying the Heichal while the ketores is being burned, based on the passuk, "וכל אדם לא יהיה באהל מועד" – And no person shall be in the Ohel Moed, referring to when the Kohen Gadol enters the Kodesh Kedoshim. The Baraisa brings additional sources to prove that this prohibition applies during the times of the Beis Hamikdash, and includes the time when he brings the blood applications, and applies while he is entering the Kodesh Kedoshim and exiting from it.

The Gemara brings a Mishnah from Keilim that states, פורשין מבין האולם ולמזבח בשעת הקטרה – We must separate from the area between the Ulam and the mizbayach during the time of the burning of the ketores. This refers to the twice daily burning of the ketores in the Heichal. Rebbe Elazar said that the Rabbanon only taught this law in regard to the time of burning the ketores in the Heichal. The Rabbanon feared that one standing there might unthinkingly enter the Heichal during that time, which is forbidden mid’Oraysa. But regarding the time of burning the ketores in the Kodesh Kedoshim, we must separate from the Heichal, but there is no need to separate from the area between the Ulam and the mizbayach. Rashi explains that the Kodesh Kedoshim is relatively distant from the space between the Ulam and the mizbayach. The Rabbanon were not fearful that one’s awareness of burning the ketores in the Kodesh Kedoshim will move someone to enter the Heichal.

  • קטרת מכפרת

The Gemara asks if burning the ketores actually atones, and answers that it does, for Rebbe Chananya taught a Baraisa which stated that we have learned that ketores is mechaperes, as it is says in the passuk regarding the aftermath of Korach’s rebellion, "ויתן את הקטרת ויכפר על העם" – And he (Aharon) placed the ketores and atoned for the people. And a Baraisa was taught in the yeshiva of Rebbe Yishmael, על מה הקטרת מכפרת – For what does ketores atone? על לשון הרע – For the sin of loshon hora. This refers to the people accusing Moshe and Aharon for being responsible for the death of Korach and his followers. יבא דבר שבחשאי ויכפר על מעשה חשאי – Let something that is offered in private (i.e., the ketores) atone for an act committed in private (i.e., loshon hora). Rashi explains that loshon hora is generally spoken in private, even though in this specific instance it was said publicly.

  • The Kohen Gadol uses a gold shovel to scoop the coals and bring them to the Kodesh Kedoshim

The Mishnah on Daf 43b stated that every day the Kohen would scoop up the coals with a silver shovel and then pour the coals into a gold shovel. The Gemara explains the reason for the two shovels is התורה חסה על ממונן של ישראל – The Torah was concerned for the Jewish people’s money. Rashi explains that we too must be concerned for it, and therefore we do not use a gold shovel for scooping up the coals lest it become ruined. The Mishnah continues, והיום חותה בשל זהב ובה היה מכניס – But today, (on Yom Kippur) the Kohen Gadol scoops them up with a gold shovel, and with it he brings them in. The Gemara says the reason is משום חולשה דכהן גדול – it is because of the weakness of the Kohen Gadol. Rashi explains that we fear that the extra effort of pouring from one shovel to the next will exhaust him.