Siman - Succah Daf 7

  • A succah with a tefach long third wall is permitted on Shabbos

The Baraisa on Daf 6b stated שתים כהלכתן ושלישית אפילו טפח – A succah must have two proper walls, and a third wall even a tefach long. On this Daf, Rabbah said: וכן לשבת – And this tefach long wall is also effective for permitting carrying on Shabbos. מגו דהויא דופן לענין סוכה הויא דופן לענין שבת – Since it has the status of a wall in regard to hilchos succah, it has the status of a wall in regard to Shabbos as well. Rashi explains that since it has the status of a wall to qualify to be a succah for eating and sleeping, it also serves as a wall on Shabbos, to transform the succah into a reshus hayachid. This is so even though during any other Shabbos of the year such a structure would remain a reshus harabim, and even on the Shabbos during Succos, any non-succah structure with such walls would remain a reshus harabim. Abaye challenges this ruling but is unsuccessful.

  • Machlokes whether the walls of the succah must provide shade like s’chach

The Mishnah stated, ושחמתה מרובה מצלתה פסולה – that a succah whose sunlight is greater than its shade, is invalid. It was taught in a Baraisa, חמתה מחמת סיכוך ולא מחמת דפנות – Only where its sunlight is on account of the s’chach is the succah passul, not where the sunlight is on account of the walls. Rebbe Yoshiah says: אף מחמת דפנות – even sunlight on account of the walls invalidates the succah. Rav Yaimar bar Shelemyah said in the name of Abaye, that Rebbe Yoshiah’s reason is based on what is written: וסכת על הארן את הפרכת"” – And screen (v’sakosa) the Aron with the Paroches. פרוכת מחיצה וקא קרייה רחמנא סככה – Now, the Paroches is a partition, yet the Torah calls it s’chach (v’sakosa). אלמא מחיצה כסכך בעינן – We see that a mechitzah is required to be as s’chach, and just as s’chach provides shade, so must the walls. The Gemara explains that the Rabbanon’s response would be ההוא דניכוף ביה פורתא דמחזי כסכך – This reference to the Paroches being as s’chach, teaches only that the Paroches should be bent over slightly on top, so that it appears roof-like.

  • The Tannaim that hold a succah must be a דירת קבע

Abaye listed several Tannaim and said כולהו סבירא להו סוכה דירת קבע בעינן – they all maintain that a succah must be fit to be a fixed dwelling.

● Rebbe said: כל סוכה שאין בה ארבע אמות על ארבע אמות פסולה – Any succah that is not four by four amos in area is invalid. This is because Rebbe holds that only a structure of this size is fit for a דירת קבע, unlike those who hold that a succah can be seven by seven tefachim.

● Rebbe Yoshiyah, as we have just learned, held that the walls of the succah may not allow in sunlight, just like the typical walls of a דירת קבע.

● Rebbe Yehudah in the Mishnah, taught that the succah walls can be higher than twenty amos, indicating that there is no pesul if its walls would have to be erected in a fixed manner.

● Rebbe Shimon, as we have learned, holds that a succah must have three proper walls and the fourth wall can be as narrow as a tefach. We see that he requires four walls, so that it is a דירת קבע. Abaye also brings the opinions of Rabban Gamliel, Beis Shammai, Rebbe Eliezer and Acheirim, who also require a succah to be a דירת קבע.