Siman - Succah Daf 33

  • אם יש דחוי אצל מצות

The Mishnah on 32b stated, נקטם ראשו פסול – If the top of the hadas is clipped off it is passul. On our Daf, Ulla bar Chinana qualified the Mishnah with the following Baraisa: נקטם ראשו ועלתה בו תמרה כשר – If its top was clipped off, but a “date” grew on it, the hadas is kosher. Rashi explains that the hadas sometimes sprouts small green date-shaped buds, which are similar to the buds that grow on aravos stems, at the bases of its leaves. When the bud sprouts, the hadas is considered to have regained its beauty. Rebbe Yirmiyah asked what the halachah is if its top was clipped off before Yom Tov and a date grew on it during Yom Tov? יש דחוי אצל מצות או לא – Is there permanent rejection in regard to mitzvos, or not? The concept of dichui, which applies in regard to kodshim, is that once an object is disqualified from use in a specific service it is permanently rejected, even if the reason for disqualification ceases to exist.

The Gemara asks why Rebbe Yirmiyah is uncertain, since a case in Chullin stated that if blood was covered by earth via wind, and then became uncovered again, a person is chayav to cover it to fulfill the mitzvah of כסוי הדם. Rav Pappa said that this implies אין דחוי אצל מצות – there is no permanent rejection in regard to mitzvos. The Gemara said that Rav Yirmiyah was inquiring about Rav Pappa’s inference. Does אין דחוי אצל מצות apply only to chumros, such as this case of כסוי הדם, or even when it leads to a kula such as this hadas case? The Gemara leaves it as a teiku but later resolves part of the question.

  • Removing the berries from hadasim on Yom Tov

It was taught in a Baraisa, אין ממעטין ביום טוב – We may not decrease the berries (from hadasim) on Yom Tov, but it was reported in the name of Rebbe Eliezer b’Rebbe Shimon that we may decrease them on Yom Tov. The Gemara questions Rebbe Eliezer’s opinion והא קא מתקן מנא ביום טוב – But one is thereby repairing a kli on Yom Tov? Rav Ashi answered that we are dealing with a case where one plucked the berries for the purpose of eating them, and Rebbe Eliezer b’Rebbe Shimon hold likes his father, who said, דבר שאינו מתכוין מותר. The Gemara objects, because Abaya and Rava both said that Rebbe Shimon concedes that one is chayav in a case of פסיק רישיה ולא ימות. The Gemara answers that we are dealing with a case דאית ליה הושענא אחריתי – where the person has another hoshana with which he can do the mitzvah. Since it is irrelevant to him whether this hadas is valid, plucking the berries is not considered a “repair.” 

  • ערבי נחל

It was taught in a Baraisa: "ערבי נחל" הגדילין על הנחל – The term “brook willows” refers to aravos that grow by a brook. Another pshat is שעלה שלה משוך כנחל – that it is a type of aravah whose leaf is elongated like a brook. It was taught in another Baraisa that the plural form of ערבי נחל teaches that aravos are not only kosher if they grow by a brook, but they are also kosher if they grow in fields or mountains. Abba Shaul said "ערבי" שתים – the plural form of aravos implies two aravos are required, one for lulav and the other one for the Mikdash, to encircle the mizbeyach with aravos each day of Succos. The Rabbanon hold that the mitzvah of aravos in the Mikdash is Halachah LeMoshe MiSinai.