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Eduyos 3:10-11

Eduyos 3:10

Rabban Gamliel is stringent like Beis Shammai in three matters: one may not insulate hot food on yom tov for use on Shabbos, one may not re-assemble a lamp on yom tov, and one may not bake thick loaves on yom tov, only thin loaves. Rabban Gamliel said that in his father’s house, they never baked thick loaves on yom tov, just thin ones. The Sages replied that that’s no proof; Rabban Gamliel’s father could have chosen to act stringently himself but would leniently permit people in general to bake even very thick loaves on yom tov.

Eduyos 3:11

Rabban Gamliel also said three lenient things: one may sweep between the couches on yom tov, one may put incense on the fire on yom tov, and one may prepare a “helmeted” lamb (i.e., one prepared in the style of the korban Pesach) on Passover night, but the Sages prohibit these things.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz