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Bikkurim 1:5-6

Bikkurim 1:5

Rabbi Eliezer ben Yaakov says that a woman who is descended from converts may not marry a kohein unless her mother is Jewish. Without this, a woman descended from converts or freed slaves may not marry a kohein for ten generations. Others who bring first fruits but do not recite the text include a person who handles the finances of orphans, an appointed messenger bringing someone else’s produce, a slave, a woman, a person of indeterminate gender and a hermaphrodite. Since they do not have hereditary property, they cannot recite the part about “that You have given me” (Deut. 26:10).

Bikkurim 1:6

If one person purchases two trees in another person’s field, he brings first fruits but does not recite the text; Rabbi Meir says he does recite the text. If the well that watered the field dried up or the tree was cut down, he brings first fruits but does not recite the text; Rabbi Yehuda says he does recite the text. From Shavuos until Succos, one brings first fruits and recites the text; from Succos until Chanukah, one brings first fruits but does not recite the text. Rabbi Yehuda ben Beseira says that one does recite the text.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz