3,546. Using Second Tithe Money for Spices
Hilchos Maaser Sheini and Neta Revai 7:9
One may not buy saffron using second tithe money because its purpose is food coloring; the same is true for any produce that is used strictly for fragrance, color or flavor. Since they aren’t eaten for their own sake, they may not be purchased using second tithe funds. Therefore spices, pepper, asafetida, safflower, etc. may not be purchased using second tithe funds.
Hilchos Maaser Sheini and Neta Revai 7:10
When used as a spice, anise may not be purchased using second tithe money; when made into a condiment it may because then it’s part of the food. Saltwater with oil added is like brine and may be purchased using second tithe money, the price of the water and the salt being included in the price of the oil.