210. Fresh Air

PLEASE NOTE: The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch incorporated in his work what was the best available medical data of his day. We are presenting his thoughts on these matters without additional commentary. Please be sure to consult with your rabbi on matters of halacha and with your doctor on matters of health and well-being.

32:24 One should go to the bath-house once a week. (Remember, this was written before indoor plumbing.) He should not go when hungry or full, but while his food is being digested. One should wash with hot water, followed by warm water, lukewarm water, and finally cold water. After bathing, one should dress and cover his head so as not to be affected by cold wind. One should be careful of this even in the summer. One should wait until he is relaxed to venture out, then he can go eat or sleep.

32:25 One should try to live in a place where the air is fresh and clean, in a high place and in a roomy home. One should try not spend summers in a place that opens to the north or to the east. One should regularly clean and freshen the air in his home with such things as incense.