209. Sleep

PLEASE NOTE: The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch incorporated in his work what was the best available medical data of his day. We are presenting his thoughts on these matters without additional commentary. Please be sure to consult with your rabbi on matters of halacha and with your doctor on matters of health and well-being.

32:22 A person who wishes to maintain his health should avoid such emotional extremes as manic happiness, worry, anger and fear. A person should always be content with his portion in life, not worrying about that which he does not possess. He should maintain a normal level of happiness. A person should eat right, regularly take care of his bathroom needs, and take good care of his eyes and his mind. One should not overindulge in binge eating and drinking, which is bad for one’s heart. This is especially true for heavier people. A person can also worry himself to death or anger himself sick, so such emotional extremes are to be avoided.

32:23 A normal amount of sleep is good for one’s physical and mental health. If one cannot sleep, he should eat things that encourage sleep. Too much sleep, however, is not good. A person should not sleep when he is hungry or full. One should sleep with his head elevated. Sleep at night is preferable to sleep during the day.