205. Foods to Avoid

PLEASE NOTE: The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch incorporated in his work what was the best available medical data of his day. We are presenting his thoughts on these matters without additional commentary. Please be sure to consult with your rabbi on matters of halacha and with your doctor on matters of health and well-being.

32:14 We already discussed how people have different natures. Each person must choose the best foods for himself, based upon the available medical information. Earlier doctors did not recommend such things as large, mature salt-water fish, salted cheese, certain mushrooms, wine fresh from the wine press, food that has started to smell, et al. Strong-smelling and bitter foods are also not recommended but they are not as strongly discouraged as the former items so that one might enjoy them periodically. Still not recommended but not as strongly discouraged as the previous items include milk more than 24 hours old (remember, this was before refrigeration), meat from mature bulls and goats, barley bread, cabbage, onions, garlic, mustard, radishes and others. These might be eaten in small amounts, though this was only advised in the rainy season, not in the summer months. 32:15 Not as bad, but still not advised, were water fowl (like wild ducks), young doves, dates, bread mixed with oil, and dough that has been baked until the grain can no longer be smelled. One should not eat too much of these things.