Siman - Yoma Daf 45

  • Machlokes regarding the number of daily ma’arachos

The Mishnah on Daf 43b introduced a machlokes regarding how many ma’arachos were on the mizbayach during the year, while all agree that one was added on Yom Kippur for the coals to be used for the ketores. The Gemara here brings a Baraisa that identifies the purpose of each of the ma’arachos. According to Rebbe Yehudah there were two daily ma’arachos, the ma’arachah gedolah, to burn the korbanos on, and the second ma’arachah, for the daily ketores. Rebbe Yose holds there was an additional ma’arachah for קיום האש – maintaining a fire on the ma’arachah gedolah. Rashi explains that if the fire on the large ma’arachah was not blazing sufficiently, they would replenish it with burning wood from this fire. Rebbe Meir holds that there was a fourth daily ma’arachah for איברים ופדרים שלא נתעכלו מבערב – the limbs and fats that were not consumed at night. Rashi explains that this refers to the limbs and fats that were not placed on the ma’arachah the previous day (for lack of room) or those that were placed upon the ma’arachah but did not have time to become entirely consumed. The Gemara proceeds to bring the source for each one.

  • הצתת אליתא

The Gemara clarifies that Rebbe Yose’s source for the third ma’arachah, which was for קיום האש – maintaining of the fire on the ma’arachah gedolah, is from the passuk, והאש על המזבח תוקד בו - And the fire on the mizbayach shall be aflame on it. According to Rebbe Yehudah, who does not require a third pyre, he explains that the passuk is coming to teach regarding הצתת אליתא – the kindling of the splinters of wood used to start the ma’arachah gedolah every morning. This was done by kindling small twigs and splinters and inserting them between the larger boards.

Rebbe Yose derives the law of הצתת אליתא from the same place that Rebbe Shimon derived it from, for it was taught in a Baraisa, when the passuk states, ונתנו בני אהרן הכהן אש על המזבח – And the sons of Aharon the Kohen, shall place fire on the mizbayach, it teaches regarding הצתת אליתא, that it may not be performed except by a valid Kohen, and only while wearing the bigdei kehunah. Rebbe Shimon challenged this, saying that it would not enter someone’s mind that a zar may approach the mizbayach, that such a limud would even be required. Rather the passuk is coming to teach that הצתת אליתא שלא תהא אלא בראשו של מזבח – the kindling of the splinters may not be performed except at the top of the mizbayach. Meaning, that a Kohen may not ignite the splinters on the floor and then bring them to the mizbayach.

  • Coals for the Yom Kippur ketores are taken from the מזבח החיצון

The Gemara brings a long Baraisa in which the question is raised whether the coals for the ketores of Yom Kippur are taken from the mizbayach hachitzon, the outer altar, or the mizbach hazahav. The Torah states, ולקח מלא המחתה גחלי אש מעל המזבח מלפני ה' – And he shall take a shovelful of fiery coals from upon the mizbayach, from before Hashem. The phrase, “from before Hashem” implies that only a part of the mizbayach is before Hashem but not all of it. Which mizbayach is it? It is the מזבח החיצון. Rashi explains that the mizbayach hazahav is considered completely before Hashem.