Siman - Yoma Daf 76

  • The amount of mann that fell

The Gemara brings different opinions regarding the amount of mann that fell. One Baraisa brings an opinion that it was piled up sixty amos high. In the second Baraisa, Isi ben Yehudah says מן שירד להם לישראל היה מתגבר ועולה עד שרואין אותו כל מלכי מזרח ומערב – The mann that came down for Bnei Yisroel, would accumulate and rise higher and higher, until all the kings of the east and west could see it, as it says in the passuk, "תערך לפני שלחן נגד צררי" – You prepare a table for me, in view of my tormentors.

The Gemara continues expounding that passuk. "כוסי רויה" – My cup overflows. Abaye said that we learn from this that כסא דדוד לעלמא דאתי מאתן ועשרין וחד לוגא מחזיק – the goblet of Dovid Hamelech in the World to Come will hold two hundred and twenty-one lugin, for the gematria of רויה is two hundred and twenty-one.   

  • שתיה בכלל אכילה

After bringing five passukim that correspond to the five afflictions of Yom Kippur, the Gemara notes that there were six afflictions mentioned in the Mishnah, and answers that שתיה בכלל אכילה היא – Drinking is included in “eating” and is therefore classified as one affliction. After Reish Lakish’s proof for this principle is rejected, Rava Acha bar Yaakov says that it is derived from the following. The passuk states regarding maaser sheini, "ונתתה הכסף בכל אשר תאוה נפשך בבקר ובצאן וביין ובשכר – And you shall spend the money for all that your soul desires, for cattle, for flocks, for wine and for sheichar; and you shall eat it there. Now sheichar, which is aged wine that intoxicates, and wine, are consumed through drinking, yet at the end of the passuk it refers to their consumption as ואכלת – and you shall eat. We see from here that drinking is included in the term “eating.”

  • רחיצה וסיכה מנא לן דאיקרי עינוי

The Gemara asks רחיצה וסיכה מנא לן דאיקרי עינוי – From where do we know that abstaining from washing oneself and from anointing with oils, are called acts of “affliction”? For it is written regarding Daniel’s mourning, when Koresh reneged on his promise to allow the Jews to rebuild the Beis Hamikdash, that Daniel said "לחם חמדות לא אכלתי ובשר ויין אל בא אל פי וסוך לא סכתי" – I ate no desirable bread, and meat and wine did not enter my mouth, and I did not anoint myself with an anointing. The Gemara asks, that although abstaining from anointing is an act of mourning, from where do we know that it is considered an affliction. The Gemara answers, for it is written regarding what the malach Gavriel told Daniel,  "ויאמר אלי אל תירא דניאל" – And he said to me, “Do not fear, Daniel", "כי מן היום הראשון אשר נתת את לבך להבין ולהתענות לפני אלקיך" – for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and to afflict yourself before your G-d,בדבריך נשמעו דבריך ואני באתי – your words have been heard; and I have come because of your words. Rav Ashi says that the source that abstaining from washing is considered an affliction, is derived from וסך לא סכתי – And I did not anoint myself with an anointing. The superfluous words “with an anointing” are expounded to teach that Daniel did not wash himself.