Siman - Yoma Daf 77

  • ואני באתי בדבריך

On Daf 76b the Gemara brought a passuk from Daniel where the malach Gavriel told Daniel "ואני באתי בדבריך" – and I have come because of your words. The Gemara here presents an extensive analysis of a vision of Yechezkel to explain the meaning of Gavriel’s words. In this vision, Gavriel was given the mission to take burning coals from among the keruvim and cast them down upon Yerushalayim as a symbol of destruction. To help Klal Yisroel, he waited for the coals to cool down which would mitigate the disaster and when he reported back that he had carried out his mission, he was censured for his actions and removed from his post for twenty-one days. When Gavriel saw that the sar of Persia sought to impose a head tax on each Jew, he arose from behind the pargod and recited the following passuk, "שוא לכם משכימי קום – It is in vain for you who rise early, מאחרי שבת אכלי לחם עצבים – who sit up late, who eat the bread of sorrows, כן יתן לידידו שנא – for so He gives “liydido sheini.” What does this mean? Rebbe Yitzchak said that these are the wives of the talmidei Chochomim שמנדדות שינה בעולם הזה וזוכות לעולם הבא – who lose sleep in this world, waiting up for their husbands to come home, and merit עולם הבא. When they still did not allow him to enter, Gavriel invoked Daniel’s name and said Daniel would outweigh all the chachmei umos ha’olam. Hakadosh Baruch Hu had him reinstated for advocating for His children. Therefore, אני באתי בדברך means that I spoke up for you.

  • Exceptions to the prohibition against washing

The Gemara presents several exceptions to the prohibition against washing. It was taught in a Baraisa:  ההולך להקביל פני אביו או פני רבו או פני מי שגדול ממנו עובר עד צוארו במים ואינו חושש – One who is going to visit his father or Rebbe or someone who is greater than him in chochmah may pass through a stream up until his neck in water and he need not be concerned that this violates the prohibition against washing. The Meiri explains that this is because he is passing through the water for a mitzvah rather than the pleasure of washing himself. Rava permitted the people of Avar Yemina to pass through water to guard the fruits of the orchards they owned on the other side of the river. This was permitted to prevent a financial loss. More exceptions are brought.

  • The stream in Yechezkel’s vision

Rav Yosef challenged the ruling that one could pass through water up until one’s neck to visit his father or Rebbe given that even during the week this would pose a danger. He brings Yechezkel’s vision of the future when a small spring that issues from the Kodesh Hakedoshim which initially resembles the antennae of locusts grows so wide that Yechezkel is led across waist-deep in water. Eventually it became so deep that he could not cross any further. Rashi explains that once the water was deeper than waist deep it became dangerous to cross. How then could the Baraisa permit crossing up until the neck? Abaye answered, שאני נחל דרדיפי מיא – The stream that issued from the Kodesh Hakedoshim is different for its waters flowed swiftly. One is permitted to wade through calm water that is neck high.  The Gemara describes how the stream grew until even mighty boats could not traverse it and the Malach HaMaves had no permission to cross it.