12. Definition of Orchim (Part 2)

Dedicated by Fran Broder as a zechus for the hostages to be released safely to their families and may everlasting peace come to Eretz Yisrael in the merit of learning Hilchot Bein Adam L’Chaveiro

1.   In the previous post, we saw that one can fulfill the mitzvah of hachnasat orchim when hosting individuals that do not have a place to stay or eat. However, one does not fulfill the mitzvah of hachnasat orchim by inviting friends or neighbors who live nearby for a Shabbat meal or to spend Shabbat in their home if they would otherwise simply remain in their own homes (Rema, Orach Chaim 333:1).

2.   The same applies to guests from another city or country who already have lodgings that are just as good elsewhere. Although one can certainly fulfill the mitzvah of assisting others, one would not fulfill the mitzvah of hachnasat orchim by hosting them (Halichot Bein Adam L’chaveiro 8:9 based on Rema, ibid.). On the other hand, even neighbors who do not have food for some reason or who cannot sleep in their home would have the status of orchim.