308. Tefillah b'Tzibbur
Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 7:18
Mincha starts with Ashrei, recited seated. Next, one stands and recites the Shemoneh Esrei. When one finishes, he “falls on his face” and recites Tachanun, followed by other prayers according to his ability, after which one leaves to go about his business.
At night, one recites Shema with the brachos before and after it, connecting the expression of redemption to Shemoneh Esrei (as described in 7:17). Shemoneh Esrei is recited standing. When finished, he remains briefly then departs. Reciting some supplications after maariv is considered praiseworthy. Even though the bracha of hashkiveinu (“cause us to lie down”) comes in between Ga’al Yisrael (that God has redeemed Israel) and Shemoneh Esrei, it is not considered an interruption. This is because Ga’al Yisrael and hashkiveinu are considered one long bracha.
Tefillah u’Birkas Kohanim 8:1
God always hears communal prayer. Even if there are many sinners in the congregation, God does not reject the prayers of the community. Therefore, one should always be a part of the community and not pray alone when one is able to join the congregation. One should spend the early morning and evening in the shul because prayer is not always heard except in shul. If a person has a shul in town and does not daven with the congregation in it, he is considered a bad neighbor.