208. See Your Doctor

PLEASE NOTE: The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch incorporated in his work what was the best available medical data of his day. We are presenting his thoughts on these matters without additional commentary. Please be sure to consult with your rabbi on matters of halacha and with your doctor on matters of health and well-being.

32:20 One should try to ensure that his digestive process is functioning well as improper digestion can lead to many other health problems. If one has problems, he should consult a doctor, who will advise people based upon their individual needs.

32:21 It’s normal to get tired, which tells our bodies when we need rest. However, if one is always lethargic or leads a sendentary lifestyle, it’s not healthy. One should exercise more in cold weather but be careful not to overdo things in hot weather. Heavier people should exercise more.