207. Drinking Wine

PLEASE NOTE: The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch incorporated in his work what was the best available medical data of his day. We are presenting his thoughts on these matters without additional commentary. Please be sure to consult with your rabbi on matters of halacha and with your doctor on matters of health and well-being. 32:18 Wine is also a good beverage that has beneficial qualities when enjoyed in moderation. A light-headed person should not drink wine as doing so will exacerbate his problem. Wine is good for older people but children should not be given wine. Young adulthood (age 21) is the proper time for one to be able to drink wine. One should not drink wine on an empty stomach or after a workout, and only a little while eating.

32:19 One should only eat when hungry and drink when thirsty. One should not delay seeing to his bathroom needs and should not eat until doing so.